
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rio's Welcome Sign (2016 Olympics)


2016 - Rio de Janeiro

" Solar City Tower ", built atop the island of Cotonduba will be the welcome symbol to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro .

It will be seen by the game visitors and participants as they arrive by air or water.

The tower, captures solar energy. It will supply energy for all of the Olympic city, as well as also for part of Rio .


It pumps up water from the ocean to create what appears like a water fall and this fall stimulates turbines
that produce energy during the night.

It will also hold the Olympic flame.

The Tower possesses an amphitheater, an auditorium, a cafeteria and boutiques. Elevators lead to various observatories. It also has a retractable plat-form for the practice of bungee jumping.


At the summit is an observation point to appreciate the scenery of the land and ocean, as well as the water fall.
Solar City Tower will be the point of reference for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro .

How nice is this?

dr. house u srbiji...


Eifel Tower & See the View

Do you want to see Paris France from the top of the Eifel Tower?
 This is so COOL!
 Click on the photo and you are on top of the Eifel Tower scanning Paris!
It may be a bit slow coming up and I wish they had picked a clearer day,
but still pretty neat. Don't forget to try all the buttons at the bottom of
the photo.

"morski" psi



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14 bis



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